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Gabriel Dornelas represents in his works a straightforward but incredibly objective and conceptual personality through shapes and textures. 

Brazilian spirit, references to balance, and a love of nature are all deeply ingrained in everything he produces. 

The solar circle headdress, which is the most significant ornament for the majority of ethnic groups, also denotes the arrangement of the dwellings in the village and the Indians' admiration and respect for all the natural elements around them. In addition, the feathers all create a meaning with their colours. 

The solar circle headdress, which is the most significant ornament for the majority of ethnic groups, also denotes the arrangement of the dwellings in the village and the Indians' admiration and respect for all the natural elements around them. In addition, the feathers all create a meaning with their colours. 

Blue - usually placed in the centre, represent the men's house, which is right in the heart of the village. 
It is the Kayapó "prefecture", exclusively chaired by men. They gather there every day to talk about battles, rites, and to produce ornaments like necklaces and bracelets. 

Yellow - symbolizes the Sun, but above all the village itself. It refers to the houses and gardens, areas dominated by women. 
In these spaces, they paint the bodies of their husbands and children, plant, harvest and prepare food. 

Cocar Wooden Headdress (Large)

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